Study at an African German Center of Excellence in Africa

The In-Country/In-Region programme in developing countries aims to contribute to train highly qualified professionals and managerial staff for sustainable development in the partner countries and for the development of top-quality, cosmopolitan universities.
The programme thus offers scholarships to future university teachers from developing countries for postgraduate courses and for doctorates. They study at universities in their home country or at highly qualified institutions in the region, some of which are organised in networks.
More information on the programme can be found here.
By establishing Centres of Excellence at leading African universities, the DAAD aims to create modern educational capacities of supraregional influence. The improvements in the educational quality and the greater research capacity available at these world-class hubs will enable the next generation of leaders to acquire training in line with international standards.
The goal for each centre is to strive to develop its own impact on the region and beyond.
Along with the largely interdisciplinary Master’s and PhD programmes, all of the centres impart supplementary knowledge in the areas Good Governance, management and other multidisciplinary skills (conflict management, team building, intercultural competence). Moreover, all of the centres have a scholarship programme.
More information on the programme can be found here.
Global challenges can only be mastered through cooperation. This belief is the basis of the DAAD’s programme to promote the establishment of eight Global Centres dedicated to climate & the environment, as well as health & pandemic prevention, using funding from the Federal Foreign Office.
The programmes encourage close cooperation between higher education and research institutions and stake holders from outside the academic sphere. In doing so, they contribute to achieving the global sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the 2030 agenda.
More information on the programme can be found here.
The programme supports partnerships between higher education institutions in Germany and those in developing countries by providing relevant, high-quality educational offerings of structured study courses on interdisciplinary research topics. The graduate schools are to train specialised experts and lecturers at masters, PhD and postdoc level, thus contributing to the joint development of innovative solutions for key SDG themes.
More information on the programme can be found here.