DAAD Lecturers in Southern Africa

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Cape Town, South Africa
Ruth Knoblich
DAAD Lecturer at the University of the Western Cape
South African-German Centre for Development Research
E-mail: rknoblichuwc.ac.za
University of the Western Cape
School of Government Building - Office No. 2.13
Private Bag X17 - Belleville 7535Areas of Interest and Fields of Research: Multilevel-governance and legal regulation of technology and innovation in the context of sustainable development, new technologies and Africa
Eva Thamm
DAAD Lecturer in the School of Languages and Literatures at the University of Cape Town
E-mail: eva.thammuct.ac.zaAreas of Interest and Fields of Research: contemporary literature, cultural studies in German as a Foreign Language and literary studies, postcolonialism, theories about the conception of race and racism, anti-racism in the educational system of German as a Foreign Language, literary spaces and current discourses of escape and migration
Harare, Zimbabwe
Roma Gendera
DAAD Lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe (Department of Language, Literature and Culture, Faculty of Arts)
University of Zimbabwe
E-mail: roma.genderadaad-lektorat.de
P.O. Box MP 167
Mt. Pleasant
Harare, Zimbabwe -
Johannesburg, South Africa
Anna Pia Jordan-Bertinelli
DAAD Lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand (School of Literature, Language and Media Studies)
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
E-mail: annapia.jordan-bertinelliwits.ac.za
Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, South Africa
Areas of Interest and Fields of Research: Text linguistics, Experimental Linguistics, Literature/Linguistics interface, (Theories of) Literary Translation, German as a Second/Foreign Language (DaZ/DaF)
Maputo, Mozambique
Arne Cordts (Master of Arts; Assessor des Lehramts)
DAAD Lecturer at the Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo
Universidade Pedagógica de Moçambique; Faculdade de Linguagem, Comunicação e Artes; Rua João Carlos Raposo Beirão, nº 135; Maputo
E-mail: maputo.updaad-lektorat.deAreas of Interests and Fields of Research: German as a Second Language in the Context of Migration and Displacement ,Teacher Training, literacy, Foreign Language Didactics, Special Education, Phonetics and Phonology