
Learning German

International students sitting over study materials in the lecture hall.
© GettyImages/MIXA

German is one of the ten most spoken languages in the world. Some 185 million people worldwide speak German. You can still study in Germany even if you don’t know German, but some knowledge of the language makes everyday life a lot easier and helps you to better acclimate to your surroundings. Apart from that, foreign languages are also increasingly sought after by employers. There are many ways to learn German prior to your stay or while out there. Whether you learn the traditional way by joining a class, or team up with a German language tandem partner or flatmate – learning German can be great fun and hugely beneficial to your career.

A female student showing and explaining something on a whiteboard in front of a class.

Language Requirements for Study and Research in Germany

A good grasp of the German language will help settling down in Germany. If your course is in German, you need to know the language well enough to follow a lecture or seminar discussion. Many courses in Germany are offered in English. But even if you decide on one of them, you still need German for daily life.

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A group of multi-ethnic students study outdoors on campus in the summer.

Learning German in South Africa

German can be a very beneficial language for you in South Africa. Did you know that there are more than 600 German companies in South Africa? Find out more!

A woman types on her laptop which shows a flag of Germany.

10 Reasons to Learn German

The Goethe-Institut recognizes 10 valid and convincing reasons to learn German. Read more about them here...

Students with Tablet PC on the steps of the Berlin Reichstag.

Learning German in Germany

While staying in Germany you will learn the German language more easily. Here you will find information on the ways to improve your German skills on site.


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Truly international – Study at ESB Business School!

Do you want to study in the heart of Germany, Europe’s strongest and most dynamic economy? Come to ESB Business School at Reutlingen University!


Kick-start your future career in Financial Management at Coburg Univer...

If you are interested in management and finance our premium MBA program Financial Management could be just right for you! The program features an optional Dual Degree from UniSC Australia and a Bloomb...



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