
200 million euros for international student mobility

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Higher education institutions in Germany are to receive more money from the EU Erasmus+ programme to fund international travel for students and staff.

Two funding lines are providing a total of 197 million euros for the next two years. Funding is available for study and internship stays at all stages of study, including PhDs as well as teaching and continuing professional development stays by university staff. This has just been announced by the Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit im Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (NA DAAD – National Agency for Erasmus+ HEI Cooperation within the German Academic Exchange Service).

Green travel and greater equal opportunity

The current Erasmus programme period (2021 to 2027) has set a priority on the expansion of equal opportunities and inclusion in all areas of mobility: the funding rates for first-time graduates and working students has thus been increased and students with children and those with disabilities receive extra money and support.

Erasmus+: Enriching lives, opening minds

Erasmus+ is the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport. It follows the motto ‘Enriching lives, opening minds’ to promote cooperation in all areas of education throughout Europe. Various funding lines give German higher education institutions the option of extending international exchange among their students and staff, establishing cooperation and partnership programmes and exploiting far-reaching institutional exchange among higher education institutions in Europe and worldwide.

Further information

Funded projects 2023


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