
Masters Scholarships in Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design

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EPOS scholarships by DAAD for the 2024 MSc Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design programme are open for application now!

This interdisciplinary double-degree links perspectives from the South and North by studying the first year at University of Stuttgart, Germany, and the second year at Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt. Students learn critical engagement with theories and practices related to dynamically transforming cities, new skills and methodologies how to link research and design, and how to ground knowledge in formats of reality-based learning.

EPOS Requirements:

  • First year of study in Stuttgart, second year in Cairo
  • At least two years of professional working experience
  • Applicant´s nationality on the DAC List (developing countries OECD)

Deadline for EPOS scholarship candidates from DAC countries: 29 July 2023
Deadline for single-degree programme (without EPOS scholarships): 15 October 2023

You are welcome to join Universität Stuttgart for their info session on Tuesday, July 18th via Webex.

More information here

Have a look at the IUSD video

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