
Georg Forster Research Award

© Humboldt-Stiftung

The Georg Forster Research Award is bestowed yearly on up to 6 exceptional researchers from developing and transition countries by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The award supports researchers whose research specifically contributes to improving living conditions in their origin countries.


The prize money of €60,000 is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Within the 6 months to a year stay in Germany, researchers will collaborate with specialist colleagues on a research project of their choice. Other than individualized support and funding, the researchers will also have the opportunity to attend numerous events and language courses.

Who may submit a nomination?

  • Established researchers at research institutions in Germany
  • Humboldt Foundation Award winners working abroad jointly with a researcher working in Germany

Nomination prerequisites:

  • Nominees academic qualifications should be internationally recognized
  • Nominees should be nationals of a developing or transition country

For details of the nomination process please see the web page Information for nominators for the Georg Forster Research Award.

Deadline for nominations: 31 October 2023


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