
INISA Student Grant 2023


The “Initiative Southern Africa” (INISA) offers a grant for students from Universities and other tertiary education institutions in countries of the SADC region (Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe) and invites applications until 30 July.

The INISA grant covers 75% of tuition fees and related costs (e.g. books and other study material; residence fees etc.) for the academic year of 2023 up to a maximum amount of Euro 3000 (or the equivalent in local currency).

Basic requirements:

  • hold the nationality of one of the SADC countries;
  • study full time at a University or other tertiary education institution in one of the SADC countries;
  • be in the second or third year of his or her undergraduate studies, i.e. s/he has successfully completed at least one year of studies and has successfully re-registered for further courses in the next academic year. Please note: the INISA Student Grant is not applicable to postgraduate studies such as Honours, Masters or PhD programs.

The grant is open to students of all subjects, but particularly they encourage applications by science, engineering, economics and medical students.

Deadline: Sunday, 30 July 2023

More information on the programme and how to apply here: INISA Student Grant

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