
African Excellence DIGI-FACE Kick-Off Meeting

A Kick-Off Meeting was held from 3 – 6 March to launch the Digital Initiative for African Centres of Excellence (DIGI-FACE) project. This event, which brought together pedagogical, media and technical experts from DAAD’s African-German Centres of Excellence, took place at the Nelson Mandela University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

The Digital Initiative for African Centres of Excellence (DIGI-FACE) is a three-year DAAD funded project with the possibility of a two-year renewal period after 2022. The DIGI-Face project aims at supporting and improving the digital skills of all members and alumni of DAAD’s African Centres of Excellence and its network via the development of e- and blended learning modules and digital tools. The participants at the Kick-Off Meeting comprised 60 delegates drawn from Centres located in South Africa, Niger, Senegal, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Congo, Mali, Namibia and Germany.

The aim of the ‘Kick-off’ meeting was to

  • provide greater clarity for all about the project,
  • to get a better understanding of what the Centres’ needs are and what they believe will add value to their activities,
  • to motivate the attendees to participate in the project going ahead.

As such, a programme was designed to introduce the project, allow delegates to participate in ‘hands-on’ e-learning activities, and to discuss and reflect on a number of issues facilitated by facilitators from South Africa and Germany (see attachment A – programme).

Read more about the Kick-Off Meeting here:

DIGI-FACE Kick-Off Meeting

Read more about the project objectives here:

DIGI-FACE Project Objectives (PDF)

DIGI-FACE Project (website)

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